Dark Hedges
We spent
three days in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. This held special interest for
us because this is where Janet’s father's family is from. It was an amazing place!
We drove through Dark Hedges, an
avenue of beech trees along Bregagh Road between Arnoy and Stanocum in
County Antrim. The trees form a tunnel that has been featured in the television
series Game of Thrones-The Kings Road. Even on a sunny day, the dark tunnel formed
by the trees sends chills through us. The pasture surrounding the path
was vast, green, and hilly.
We found out that in 1775, one hundred and fifty years
ago, the Beech trees were planted for an
entrance to an estate.
Six years after our trip we referred back to this eerie road as the setting for a car chase in
our book.