Thursday, December 4, 2014

Happy Holidays

Happy Holiday to everyone!

Here is an animated holiday greeting for you. Just click on the link below and be sure your sound is turned on.

Hope you enjoy your holiday,


Sunday, November 2, 2014


Family and friends

I am thankful to family and friends of whom I wouldn’t have gotten through this year’s shoulder surgery without them. They brought light, love and humor to my early, dark recovery days.

Nothing can take the place of family and friends.  I remember coming across the following song/poem decades ago and was moved by it then as now.

Make New Friends
Sue Lynch

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.
A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend.
A fire burns bright,
it warms the heart.
We've been friends,
from the very start.
You have one hand,
I have the other.
Put them together,
We have each other.
Silver is precious,
Gold is too.
I am precious,
and so are you.
You help me,
and I'll help you
and together
we will see it through.
The sky is blue
The Earth is green
I can help
to keep it clean
Across the land
Across the sea
Friends forever
We will always be

Monday, September 1, 2014

Geology Wonder

Many decades ago when I was an undergraduate student, I was required to take a physical science class. Anxious to finish and move on to graduate school, I signed up for the only class available that fit into my schedule. Wondering how in the world the study of Geology had anything to do with speech pathology, I girded up my loins, bit my tongue and walked into class. Convinced it would be a total waste of time, I went prepared to doodle during lecture, labs and field trips.
Much to my surprise, I enjoyed the class tremendously. It was hard work, but the study of geological land formations and field trips fascinated me.

Though, I must admit, I never once used my study of rocks in speech therapy, I believe required classes outside of majors make for a well rounded individual. I like to think of myself as a “Closet Geologist” 30 years later, always picking up geology magazines when available and examining rocks. Those dreaded full-day field trips to the unknown, weird places, now serve as day trips/Get Aways to roam around and enjoy the beauty of this planet.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Lake Ronkonkama, New York

During my recovery from surgery, I looked through old pictures my mother left me before she passed on. Memories came flooding back when I saw one picture of the four of us at Lake Ronkonkama, Long Island, New York. I grew up in Oyster Bay until I was 12 when we headed west.
Every summer my parents would rent a row boat and my father would row the boat with us in it along the lake. I was surrounded by trees, beautiful old trees bursting with leaves that changed in the fall. We fed ducks and enjoyed the quiet of a lake filled with legends of Native American folk lore.
I never quite understood the legends when I was young, all I knew was my family was together experiencing a special quite moment. The feeling of togetherness is something I have kept with me all these years. I went on the internet and found the latest pictures and write up of the lake, but nothing trumps the family feelings I remember.

Enjoy the rest of summer and build memories with your family.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Family holiday

When I was young the evening fireworks on the Fourth of July were spectacular! I so enjoyed the colors, the lights and the big BANG that shook the ground we stood on. I remember, my brother and I running after Fireflies in New York, jumping up to catch them as they lit the night. Our back yard barbecue was also much anticipated with hot dogs and hamburgers sizzling on the grill. And that potato salad my mom made…wonderful.
How great it is to have wonderful memories to keep of special days with family and friends. The purpose of this holiday often whizzed by me. I guess it wasn’t until I reached High School that I truly understood the reason for the celebration.

                                                  Enjoy your 4th

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Solstice

Summer means walks along the shore, beach swims, sailing, and dining outdoors. The season takes us on a whole different journey from spring.

This year the first day of summer or Summer Solstice, is June 21.  The sun reaches its furthest point north of the equator causing the longest day of the year. Or more technically, when the tilt of the earth’s semi-axis in the northern hemisphere is closest to the sun. Either way you look at it, it’s the longest day of the year. It’s not that we have more than 24 hours that day (I wish) but we have more sunlight.

In short, summer it is the time of year when everything is warm, bright, and cozy.  

Enjoy Your Summer!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month

Inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month is now held every April. Schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers, and poets throughout the United States band together to celebrate poetry and its vital place in American culture. Thousands of organizations participate through readings, festivals, book displays, workshops, and other events.
 I found the following website listing 30 ways to celebrate National Poetry Month. Just click on the link below:

Monday, March 3, 2014


Spring, when green worms burrow to the surface, lady bugs glide from place to place, birds chirp and life begins to take on a whole different view from winter. This year the first day of Spring also called Vernal Equinox, is Thursday, March 20, 2014. A time when everything begins to grow, fresh and new.

When I lived in the northeast, New York, my mother insisted on cleaning the house, I mean really cleaning the house, room to room throughout the cold winters. Then once Spring came along, the entire house was spotless, and well organized, leaving Spring a time to re-introduce ourselves to the outdoors. Spring was also the time my family would hunt for things that has been re-organized during the winter clean up.

Enjoy your Spring!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentine's Day

The show, Dancing With the Stars, always amazes me the grace and charm people can perform while remembering steps and overall body movement. Never being what people call a “good dancer, my admiration goes to anyone who is coordinated enough to do a good job.

My favorite dance to watch is the Tango with its smooth sexy, music and music it.

In honor of the dance, and the romance of Valentines day, here and an animated greet we created for you to enjoy. Just click on the link below and be sure your sound is turned on:

For You tube


Remember someone special.

 Have a wonderful Valentines Day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter time

There is nothing in the world nicer than sitting in front of a fireplace on a cold winters’ day or evening sharing the quiet moments with friends, family or  even by yourself with a good book. The warm glow that contrasts the outside of snow or rain always helps me to appreciate how wonder life can be.

There were many times I’d be on the road, late, on a cold winter night dreaming of those moments at the fireplace, resting warm with a hot cup of chocolate or herbal tea. It doesn’t get much better.